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Dal 1° novembre 2021, l'eurodeputato dei Verdi/ALE (Greens/EFA) Daniel Freund ha assunto la presidenza del Gruppo Spinelli subentrando all'eurodeputato socialdemocratico (S&D) Brando Benifei. Il Gruppo Spinelli (Spinelli Group) è una rete di 72 deputati europei di orientamento federalista che mira a "trovare una maggioranza federale tra i membri del Parlamento europeo su temi importanti" e rinvigorire lo sforzo per un'Europa federale.

In occasione dell'elezione del nuovo Presidente, il Movimento europeo ha voluto inviare le proprie felicitazioni insieme ad alcune proposte:


Dear Daniel,

We are very happy that you are chairing now the Spinelli Group during the important time of the Conference.

As you know, Altiero Spinelli has launched his “Crocodile initiative” in the middle of a conflict between the first elected European Parliament from one side and the Council with the support of the Thorn Commission on the other side.

The idea of Altiero Spinelli, finally supported by the majority of the EP after a long political campaign made by the Crocodile Club and thanks to many MEPs as Willy Brandt, Hans Nord, Marco Pannella and Adelaide Aglietta, Pierre Pflimlin, Stanley Johnson, Enrico Berlinguer, Anne Marie Lizin, Rudi Arndt, Richard Balfe, Emma Bonino, Maria Luisa Cassanmagnago Cerretti and Paola Gaiotti de Biase, Lambert Croux, Karel de Gucht, Raymonde Dury and Fernand Herman, Rolf Linkhor, Jacques Moreau, Ioannis Pezmazoglou, Derek Prag, Hans Joachim Seeler, Antoinette Spaak, Heidi -Marie Wieczorek-Zeul, Sile de Valera, George Mavros, Bruno Friedrich, Mario Didò and Giorgio Ruffolo, Brian Key etc., has been to open the way to a large reform of the treaties of Rome avoiding a diplomatic conference and the unanimity in the Council.

Based on the Wien Convention for the International treaties, the EP has decided to discuss, elaborate and adopt a new, global, coherent and constitutional treaty and not to propose specific changes in the existing treaties.

The main idea was to submit this draft directly to the national parliaments after bilateral meetings with them (we have met the Bundestag, the Italian Parliament and the Belgian Chambre des Représentants), to modify it if necessary and to ask the national Parliaments to ratify it and/or to organize a pan European referendum.

As European Movement in Italy and with the agreement of a large Italian platform, we strongly support the idea to come back to the content of the Spinelli draft treaty updated to the new European time, its method and its agenda.

If the majority of the citizens in the Conference will support the priority of a deep reform of the EU (the final decision should be adopted on the basis of conclusions in the plenary by a majority of the Conference and not by the Executive board and not before autumn 2022) the EP - being the only body able to speak on behalf of the EU citizens - should start immediately a constituent process and conclude it before the European elections in May 2024.

Dear Daniel,

We are ready to organize a meeting of the European movement and our allies with you and your colleagues to debate in a public way on these ideas.

Pier Virgilio Dastoli
Former advisor of Altiero Spinelli
President of the European Movement in Italy

Rome, 10th of November 2021