Carlo Polidori
Screen Project – Synergic CirculaR Economy across European regioNs
Carlo Polidori is a civil engineer with more than 25 years of experience, working in Brussels as project manager in the no profit research Association VELTHA . He is an expert evaluator and reviewer for European Commission funded projects since 1999 and has participated in several EU research projects as project manager and co-coordinator, like the FP7 DEBPAL (FP7), ZEPHYR (FP7) and H2020 ECOROADS (H2020). Carlo was the promoter and currently is the project manager and acting coordinator of the H2020 project SCREEN (, started on November 2016 and participated by 17 European region. He is also the chairman of the SCREEN laboratory on policies (Policy Lab) for the development of the circular economy, participated by the involved region, European Commission services and other international stakeholders.