The Circular Economy could bring significant economic, environmental and social benefits to the European Union, its Member States and its productive fabric. It contributes to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. The concept of ‘commitments’ in the framework of ‘shared responsibilities’ is key.
In order to deliver, in accordance with these goals, resource efficiency, job creation, low-carbon prosperity, a healthy environment, clean production and sustainable consumption, it is necessary to take a holistic approach by working across a number of policy areas.
Failure to address every aspect of the issue by developing only partial solutions will prevent the EU from enjoying the overarching benefits the circular economy can provide. ‘Walking the Circle’.
The same is true for the other EU policies. There is a need for integrated multi-stakeholder value chain strategy addressing the SDGs and Planetary Boundaries as Resource Efficiency & Circular Economy, Climate & Energy Transition, Bio-Economy & Sustainable Agriculture, Life Style & Behavior.
This strategy needs to be cross-borders and can be supported by EU initiatives as the European Innovation Partnerships and the Knowledge and Innovation Communities.
The first day of the workshop provided an overview of leading initiatives and prepare a European joint initiative.
The second day of the workshop provided an overview of leading Italian initiatives and prepare specific recommendations.
18th July
Regione Emilia Romagna - Sala Guido Fanti
Viale Aldo Moro n. 50
First session: 14:30-16:30
Welcome :
Manuela Rontini, President of Environmental Commission, Emilia Romagna Region
Marco Lombardo, Alderman, European and International Relations, Bologna Municipality
EU Agenda 2019. Integrated strategy towards a new development model and green economy
Chair : Tom Vereijken, Member of the High Level Group EIP Raw Materials
Maria Nyberg, Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, European Commission – via Video Connection: European Innovation Partnership (EIP) Raw Materials and links to circular economy
Franco Iacop, Commission for Environment, Climate change and Energy (ENVE), European Committee of the Regions
Roberto Della Seta, Comitato per la Fondazione Europa Ecologia
Romain Pardo, Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP)
Alexandre Lemille, Valued Circular Economy Expert
Barbara Gatto, Italian National Confederation of Crafts and SMEs (CNA)
Prof. Massimiliano Mazzanti, Università degli Studi di Ferrara
Second Session: 16:30 – 18:45
Value Chain partnerships and commitments
Chair : Bernd Dittmann, European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) Member, The ECESP Co-ordination Group
Julia Vol, Ellen Mc Arthur Foundation
Claudia Brunori, Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA)
Pier Paolo Saraceno, Eurocities
Simina Lakatos, Institute for Research in Circular Economy and Environment (IRCEM)
Carlo Polidori, Screen Project – Synergic CirculaR Economy across European regioNs
Raik Kulinna, Global Lead for Waste, Recycling, and Environmental Services, SAP
Conclusions: 18:45-19:15
Patrizio Bianchi, Alderman, European Development Poilcies, Emilia Romagna Region
Keynote speech: How to shape an integrated strategy, Europe and SDGs
Prof. Enrico Giovannini, Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASVIS)
19th July
Regione Emilia Romagna – Sala Poggioli
Viale Della Fiera, 8
Italy : Industrial Policy and Integrated Strategy
Parallel session 1: Italian Regions Best practices and Champions. Bottlenecks, barriers, finance.
Chair : Attilio Raimondi, Economy of knowledge, labor and business, Emilia Romagna Region
Alessandro Dacomo, DG Environment, Energy and Sustainable Development, Lombardia Region
Paolo Ferrecchi, Director General, management of the territory and the environment, Emilia Romagna Region
Cristiana Avenali, Expert on environmental issues and sustainability, Lazio Region
Paolo Penna, Environmental Services, Piemonte Region
Cecilia Cellai, Regional Team PNR (Re.Te.PNR) e Tecnostruttura delle Regioni per il Fse
Iris Flacco, Head of Service of Energy Policy, Air Quality, National Environmental Information System, Abruzzo Region
Mario Mazzocca, Undersecretary of Abruzzo Region and Vice President of the European Federation of Agencies and Regions for Energy and Environment (Fedarene) in charge of Climate and Energy
Parallel session 2: Italians involved in the EIPs and KICs. Innovations and cross-borders partnerships.
Chair : Prof. Vittorio Prodi, Università di Bologna
Roundtable on Italian participation in EIPs and KICs between Italians involved in
EIP Water: Marco Fantozzi – Isle Utilities
EIP Agriculture: Valtiero Mazzotti
KIC Climate – Angelica Monaco
KIC Raw Materials – Pier Luigi Franceschini
Coffee Break: 11:30 – 12:00
Conclusions: 12:00 – 13:00
Italy & the Juncker plan
Aldo Ravazzi, DG Sustainable Development, Ministry of Environment – AT Sogesid
Eleonora Rizzuto, AISEC – Associazione Italiana per lo Sviluppo dell’Economia Circolare